Monday, April 28, 2008

Give Barack Obama a high five

I was watching the Obama in 30 seconds ads last night, and I thought about how much inspiration Obama has given us. Now we’re nearly done with the primary season and he looks a little tired. What if we tried to return the favor by giving HIM some inspiration and a big high five?

What if everyone sat down for 5 minutes, and wrote out a note or card of about 5 sentences telling Obama how much he means to us, how he inspires us, how we are counting on him to win this election -- and mailed it to his campaign headquarters?

Remember the scene in “Miracle on 34th Street” when the guys from the post office bring in all the mail for Kris Kringle and shower it on the judge’s bench?

Imagine if Obama’s staffers brought him a steady stream of inspiring, handwritten notes from the heart for him to see – wouldn’t that help pump him up?

If you're in, here are the specifics you'll need to participate:

1. Write out a card or note, preferably in your own handwriting. Explain in about 5 sentences why you want Senator Obama to keep fighting for you and why you think our country needs him in the White House in January 2009. Don't obsess about the exact words you use, or the kind of paper you have. A heartfelt message on a sheet of notebook paper you ripped out of your kid's schoolpapers is worth more than an expensive but impersonal greeting card.

If you don't feel comfortable putting your own feelings into writing, then get your kids to draw a cute message or find a quotation that you've always found inspiring and copy that. What's important is that this comes from you, from the heart, and reflect you.

2. If you can, enclose a check for five dollars or a five-dollar bill (get it -- high five/five dollars) and a donor form which you can print out here.

3. Mail it to:

Obama for America
P.O. Box 802798
Chicago, IL 60680

Try to get it in the mail as quickly as you can -- there's only a handful of primaries left and we need to get Barack pumped up for them.

4. Please spread the word to other Obama supporters by any means you can: email, phone call, linking to this blog, on-line message sites like Daily Kos, be creative!